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Higher Education

Scott C. Keller Business Building | Utah Valley University

Exterior view of the Scott C. Keller Business Building at Utah Valley University


Orem, UT

Total Size

206,000 SF




Method Studio

Redefining the South Campus entry.

As part of UVU’s Woodbury School of Business—the largest business school in Utah—Layton completed the four-story steel business building and welcoming Gateway Center, housing the executive administration offices. Construction took place at the busy main entrance of campus and the UTA Rapid Station, where 4,000 students pass through each day. Layton performed extensive site coordination to maintain student safety and ensure university operations weren’t impacted.
Client: Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management | Utah Valley University

UVU means business.

The new business building features 30 classrooms, 205 offices, and numerous collaborative zones. The building’s design incorporates various energy-efficient features and pops of color throughout. As for the classrooms, each is equipped with lecture-capture technology to help students participate remotely.