Utah State Correctional Facility

Salt Lake City, UT
Total Size
1,300,000 SF
191 acres. 33 buildings. 3,600 beds.
The state of Utah trusted Layton to complete its largest ever non-transportation construction project. The complex spans 191 acres, comprises 33 buildings (structure types include tilt concrete, precast concrete, CMU, structural steel, and pre-engineered metal), and accommodates 3,600 inmates of all classifications. With dedicated units for both females and males, the facility also includes mental health housing, substance abuse treatment, medical facilities, classrooms, a kitchen, laundry, religious spaces, and room for future expansion.
Client: Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management

Managing a massive site.
Spanning nearly 200 acres, the greenfield site required extensive development. Along with constructing deep utilities and infrastructure, Layton imported nearly two million tons of engineered fill to raise the site two to four feet above the existing grade. Above ground, site activity was virtually constant. All tilt panels for the buildings were formed on site, which at the project’s peak, hosted more than 1,500 workers. Layton employed sophisticated site management and elevated communication through the project’s completion.

Dedicated medical and mental health facilities.
Along with an intentional design and the incorporation of natural light throughout, the complex includes a mental-health infirmary, providing acute mental health and substance abuse treatment. A designated medical facility includes space for clinical examination, optometry and dentistry, dialysis, phlebotomy, and physical therapy.